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Ncode.ME Encrypts Your Sensitive Plain Text Before Sending It Off

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Ncode.Me is an online encryption web application whose intention is to ease the pain people share their personal information in plain text without any protection. The web app itself works quite well and does the job it’s supposed to. For example, I want to encrypt text "this web tool is pretty useful" with the password "abcdef". I simply fire up the web app, type in the text and password in the respective textbox and press Encode button. What do I get? A serial of gibberish meaningless characters.

However, you may wonder why the heck I should trust you and provide my information onto your website, as it apparently stores the information on their website at least for a week. There is no guarantee that the information I put in are safe, no matter what you claim.
To address this issue, they also provide a windows tool that operates without the needs connecting to the internet. You can definitely use it offline with any text-editor, e.g. notepad, Word, Outlook, or even Gmail. It’s a light-weighted application that only uses 7k of your memory space with a super easy installation process. Click once and it automatically checks updates, install the application, and fire it up for you.
By default, it uses pre-defined hotkey Ctrl+Shift+F9 to call up encryption box but you can change it to whatever that suits for you.
The encryption algorithm uses in their app is AES, a symmetric-key encryption standard. They are also using Base64 to encode the encrypted text.
While it’s a quite useful app, it requires both parties at each side use the same tool or encryption algorithm to communicate, which isn’t something that’s easy enough that people can rely on in their daily work.

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