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Installing “Add me on Google Plus” widget

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google   add me to your circle widgetThis widget is a great tool for to increase your Google+ friends. It lets your blog visitors know that you have a Google+ account and prompt them to add you to their circles. It provides link to your Google+ profile, shows off how many people have you in their circles and even displays your stream (optional).
Just follow the steps below to add it on your Blogger blog.

I) Get your Google+ ID
  1. Visit your Google Plus profile page. Look at the URL in your browser address bar. The URL should look something like this:
  2. The green part is the Google+ ID. Copy it.
  II) Configure your Google Plus widget

  • Click “Get widget” button to open settings plus widget

    1. Go to (opens in a new tab/window).
    2. Paste your Google+ ID in the required box.
    3. You can customize the widget -add the Google+ stream, title, change the font, colors, width, height etc.
    4. When you’re done with the customization, hit the orange “Get code” button.

    III) Add the widget to Blogger

    1. Copy the HTML code provided in II.5.
    2. In Blogger, go to Design > Page Elements and click an Add-A-Gadget link. Select HTML/Javascript gadget and paste the code in the content box.
    3. Save and view your blog.

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